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This instruction assumes that devices are already connected to the controller according to the instructionTypes of devices that can be connected to multifunctional inputs
Create a new automation according to the template
● In the Dashboard window, and at the bottom right, select Automations● To create a new automation, click on the "+" icon● In the list that appears, select Template
Select devices
● A window with template options opens● Templates for dimmer bulb, RGB strip and click counter are currently available
Note: The list of templates is constantly expanding.
Let’s review each template more detailed:
Select a template
● Choose a dimmer bulb from the list of templates
Choose the equipment
● Select the desired Button and Dimmable Bulb from the list● Click Save
● When you click on the button - the lamp will switch its state● When you hold down the button, the brightness of the lamp will gradually increase to the maximum, then it will gradually decrease until it goes out completely and increase again
Select a template
● Select RGB strip from the list of templates
Choose devices
● Select the desired Button and RGB strip from the list● Click Save
● When you click the button - the strip will switch its state● Double-click to change the operating mode● When you hold down the button, the colour changes by sequence
Select a template
● Select Click counter from the list of templates
Select the button
● Select the desired Button from the list● Click Next
Select the equipment you want to control with a single click
● Select the Device (or Multiple Devices) you want to control with a single click
Choice of actions
● Specify how these devices (bulb) should respond to a single click
Choice of actions
● Specify how these devices (color bulb) should respond to a single click
Select the equipment you want to control by double-clicking
● Select the Device (or Multiple Devices) you want to control with a double click
Choice of actions
● Specify how these devices should respond to a double click
● Select the button● For different number of button clicks, adjust the devices and their response according to the illustrations (up to 5 clicks supported)
Note: In automations created by a template, the behaviour and conditions are already defined (description at creation), so when creating automations it is enough to specify only the devices that participate in the automation of the template
Note: You can see the automation created in the Automations section, on the Template tab
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