Automation of air heating

The oldest and fairly easy to implement type of heating - air. It is still the most common in many countries. Air heating is used to heat large industrial, commercial and warehouse premises, as well as private houses and cottages.

To implement this method of heating are used:
● fan heaters● fan coils● heat pumps (air conditioners)● fireplaces● furnaces● gas convectors

Depending on the specifications of the room and the technical task, both natural (convection) and forced air circulation are used. In the first case, the movement occurs through the difference in air density: warm air entering the room, causing heavier cold air to move to the lower part of the room.

Forced circulation takes place with the help of fans built into the grilles or ducts of air ducts, and provide the necessary movement of air masses. Such a system is more efficient, although it requires the use of additional equipment.

The use of fans, adjustable valves and servo valves makes it easy to implement a climate control system, especially if the project involves the use of modern automation systems.

Thermal modes can be controlled using programmable thermostats or actuators can be integrated into the Smart Home system. This ensures high comfort level and efficiency of the air heating system.


Advantages of air heating:

● Relative cheapness of heat sources (except heat pumps). Ease of dilution of air flows.● Low inertia of the system. The room heats up very quickly.● Unlike water heating, there are no risks of defrosting the system, water leakage.● Easy installation of air ducts.● The air distribution system can be combined with ventilation and air conditioning.● Ease of maintenance.

Disadvantages of air heating:

● It is not always possible to install an air distribution system using convection. Because of this, fans are usually used for forced air circulation both around the heat source and indoors.● Heating requires a large amount of air, so it is necessary to use air ducts with a large cross-section.● The downside of low inertia air heating system - rapid cooling of the room after turning off the heating.● Noise and constant air movement, and therefore require additional filtration systems.
Additionally, other functional elements can be used in the air heating system, which will significantly improve the climate and indoor air quality:● Moisturizer● Recuperation system● Humidifiers● Air conditioning● Air filters● Ultraviolet air purification system

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