Below is a description of the devices and their meanings

State & channel: State defines the device type.
Channel defines the data subtype used for each specific device.
● These data are required for use in the READ FROM STATE and WRITE TO STATE blocks, which allow you to read and write device state values.

i3 device:● Indicates the type of device identified in the i3 home application.
● This information can be used to connect to specific devices or groups of devices in the application.

Value type:● Defines the type of data to be operated on, such as comparisons and mathematical operations.
● Allows Blockly to interpret and process data correctly.

Value:Represents possible values ​​generated or received by the specified device state.
● These values ​​can be used to define conditions or configure automation rules.

Value description:● Provides a brief description of possible values ​​that can be taken or generated by the device state.
● This information can be useful to better understand and use values ​​in automation rules.

Information devices

    • State

    • i3 device

    • channel

    • value type

    • value

    • value description

    • State

    • State

    • i3 device

    • i3 device

    • channel

    • channel

    • value type

    • value type

    • value

    • value

    • value description

    • value description

    • button

    • button

    • main


    • int


    • 12341111

    • click
      double click
      double click
      hold down

    • State

    • button

    • i3 device

    • button

    • channel

    • main


    • value type

    • int


    • value

    • 12341111

    • value description

    • click
      double click
      double click
      hold down

    • switch

    • switch

    • main

    • int

    • 12

    • on

    • State

    • switch

    • i3 device

    • switch

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 12

    • value description

    • on

    • switch

    • light sensor

    • main

    • int

    • 12

    • light

    • State

    • switch

    • i3 device

    • light sensor

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 12

    • value description

    • light

    • switch

    • motion sensor

    • main

    • int

    • 12

    • motion detected
      no motion detected

    • State

    • switch

    • i3 device

    • motion sensor

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 12

    • value description

    • motion detected
      no motion detected

    • switch

    • opening sensor

    • main

    • int

    • 12

    • closed

    • State

    • switch

    • i3 device

    • opening sensor

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 12

    • value description

    • closed

    • switch

    • leakage sensor

    • main

    • int

    • 12

    • leakage detected
      no leakage detected

    • State

    • switch

    • i3 device

    • leakage sensor

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 12

    • value description

    • leakage detected
      no leakage detected

    • switch

    • smoke detector

    • main

    • int

    • 12

    • smoke detected
      no smoke detected

    • State

    • switch

    • i3 device

    • smoke detector

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 12

    • value description

    • smoke detected
      no smoke detected

    • temp

    • temperature sensor

    • main

    • float

    • -

    • temperature (c)

    • State

    • temp

    • i3 device

    • temperature sensor

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • float

    • value

    • -

    • value description

    • temperature (c)

    • adc_tempr

    • temperature pressure
      analog (adc)

    • main

    • float

    • -

    • temperature (c)

    • State

    • adc_tempr

    • i3 device

    • temperature pressure
      analog (adc)

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • float

    • value

    • -

    • value description

    • temperature (c)

    • pt_temp

    • temperature pressure
      analog (pt)

    • main

    • float

    • -

    • temperature (c)

    • State

    • pt_temp

    • i3 device

    • temperature pressure
      analog (pt)

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • float

    • value

    • -

    • value description

    • temperature (c)

    • hlw

    • Electricity meter

    • maincurrentvoltagepowerenergy

    • intfloatfloatfloatfloat

    • -----

    • voltage (V)
      consumption (A)
      voltage (V)
      power (W)
      consumed (kWh)

    • State

    • hlw

    • i3 device

    • Electricity meter

    • channel

    • maincurrentvoltagepowerenergy

    • value type

    • intfloatfloatfloatfloat

    • value

    • -----

    • value description

    • voltage (V)
      consumption (A)
      voltage (V)
      power (W)
      consumed (kWh)

    • sun

    • Sunrise and sunset

    • main

    • int

    • 01--

    • after sunset
      after sunrise
      time after sunrise (s)
      time after sunset (s)

    • State

    • sun

    • i3 device

    • Sunrise and sunset

    • channel

    • main

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 01--

    • value description

    • after sunset
      after sunrise
      time after sunrise (s)
      time after sunset (s)

* All informing devices have an available channel, which is read-only and returns a value: 0 - not available, 1 - available

Actuating devices

    • State

    • i3 device

    • channel

    • r/w

    • value type

    • value

    • value description

    • State

    • State

    • i3 device

    • i3 device

    • channel

    • channel

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • value type

    • value

    • value

    • value description

    • value description

    • out

    • lampsocketmotorfanhoodactuatoralarmalarm

    • main

    • r/wr/wwwrrr

    • intintintintfloatfloatfloat

    • 1011---

    • turn onturn offtoggleturn on*consumption (A)voltage (V)power consumption (W)

    • State

    • out

    • i3 device

    • lampsocketmotorfanhoodactuatoralarmalarm

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/wr/wwwrrr

    • value type

    • intintintintfloatfloatfloat

    • value

    • 1011---

    • value description

    • turn onturn offtoggleturn on*consumption (A)voltage (V)power consumption (W)

    • triac

    • dimmable lampadjustable fanadjustable actuatoradjustable hood

    • maintoggleenablestopcurrentvoltagepower

    • r/wwwwrrr

    • intintintintfloatfloatfloat

    • 0-100111---

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop*consumption (A)voltage (V)power consumption (W)

    • State

    • triac

    • i3 device

    • dimmable lampadjustable fanadjustable actuatoradjustable hood

    • channel

    • maintoggleenablestopcurrentvoltagepower

    • r/w

    • r/wwwwrrr

    • value type

    • intintintintfloatfloatfloat

    • value

    • 0-100111---

    • value description

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop*consumption (A)voltage (V)power consumption (W)

    • pwm

    • dimmable lampadjustable fanadjustable actuatoradjustable hoodmonochrome ice tape

    • maintoggleenablestopcurrentvoltagepower

    • r/wwwwrrr

    • intintintintfloatfloatfloat

    • 0-100111---

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop*consumption (A)voltage (V)power consumption (W)

    • State

    • pwm

    • i3 device

    • dimmable lampadjustable fanadjustable actuatoradjustable hoodmonochrome ice tape

    • channel

    • maintoggleenablestopcurrentvoltagepower

    • r/w

    • r/wwwwrrr

    • value type

    • intintintintfloatfloatfloat

    • value

    • 0-100111---

    • value description

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop*consumption (A)voltage (V)power consumption (W)

    • rgb

    • RGB tapeRGBW tapeWW tape

    • maintoggleenablestophsvhuesaturationbrightnesscurrentvoltagepower

    • r/wwwwr/wr/wr/wr/wrrr

    • intintintintintintintintintintint

    • -111-0-2550-2550-255---

    • 4 bytes of rgbw value toggleenablestop3 bytes hsv value huesaturationbrightness*consumption (A)voltage (V)power (W)

    • State

    • rgb

    • i3 device

    • RGB tapeRGBW tapeWW tape

    • channel

    • maintoggleenablestophsvhuesaturationbrightnesscurrentvoltagepower

    • r/w

    • r/wwwwr/wr/wr/wr/wrrr

    • value type

    • intintintintintintintintintintint

    • value

    • -111-0-2550-2550-255---

    • value description

    • 4 bytes of rgbw value toggleenablestop3 bytes hsv value huesaturationbrightness*consumption (A)voltage (V)power (W)

    • 0-10v

    • dimmable lampmotorized curtain rodadjustable fanadjustable actuatoradjustable hood

    • maintoggleenablestop

    • r/wwww

    • intintintint

    • 0-100111

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop

    • State

    • 0-10v

    • i3 device

    • dimmable lampmotorized curtain rodadjustable fanadjustable actuatoradjustable hood

    • channel

    • maintoggleenablestop

    • r/w

    • r/wwww

    • value type

    • intintintint

    • value

    • 0-100111

    • value description

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop

    • dali_lamp

    • dimmable lamp

    • maintoggleenable

    • r/www

    • intintint

    • 0-10011

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop

    • State

    • dali_lamp

    • i3 device

    • dimmable lamp

    • channel

    • maintoggleenable

    • r/w

    • r/www

    • value type

    • intintint

    • value

    • 0-10011

    • value description

    • enable (%)toggleenablestop

    • segment

    • address bar segment

    • maintoggleenablehsvhuesaturationbrightnessid

    • r/wwwr/wr/wr/wr/wr/w

    • intintintintintintintint

    • -11-0-2550-2550-2550-4

    • 3 bytes of rgb valuetoggleenable3 bytes hsv value huesaturationbrightnesseffect

    • State

    • segment

    • i3 device

    • address bar segment

    • channel

    • maintoggleenablehsvhuesaturationbrightnessid

    • r/w

    • r/wwwr/wr/wr/wr/wr/w

    • value type

    • intintintintintintintint

    • value

    • -11-0-2550-2550-2550-4

    • value description

    • 3 bytes of rgb valuetoggleenable3 bytes hsv value huesaturationbrightnesseffect

    • stairs

    • address tape stairs

    • maintoggleenablehsvhuesaturationbrightnessiddirection

    • r/wwwr/wr/wr/wr/wr/wr

    • intintintintintintintintint

    • -11-0-2550-2550-2550-40-2

    • 3 bytes of rgb valuetoggleenable3 bytes hsv value huesaturationbrightnesseffecteffect direction

    • State

    • stairs

    • i3 device

    • address tape stairs

    • channel

    • maintoggleenablehsvhuesaturationbrightnessiddirection

    • r/w

    • r/wwwr/wr/wr/wr/wr/wr

    • value type

    • intintintintintintintintint

    • value

    • -11-0-2550-2550-2550-40-2

    • value description

    • 3 bytes of rgb valuetoggleenable3 bytes hsv value huesaturationbrightnesseffecteffect direction

    • blinds

    • blinds

    • main

    • r/w

    • int

    • 1-1000110-100012

    • open (%)closeswitchstopposition (%)stopped/stopopen/openclosing/closing

    • State

    • blinds

    • i3 device

    • blinds

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • 1-1000110-100012

    • value description

    • open (%)closeswitchstopposition (%)stopped/stopopen/openclosing/closing

    • rot_blinds

    • horizontal blinds

    • maintogglestoppositiondirection


    • r/wwwr/wr/w


    • intintintintint


    • -110-100012340-90

    • 2 bytes position, rotationswitchstopposition (%)stopped/stopopen/openclosing/closingslats openslats closeangle of rotation of the slats

    • State

    • rot_blinds

    • i3 device

    • horizontal blinds

    • channel

    • maintogglestoppositiondirection


    • r/w

    • r/wwwr/wr/w


    • value type

    • intintintintint


    • value

    • -110-100012340-90

    • value description

    • 2 bytes position, rotationswitchstopposition (%)stopped/stopopen/openclosing/closingslats openslats closeangle of rotation of the slats

    • rot_blinds_v2

    • horizontal blinds

    • maintogglestopresetpositiondirection


    • r/wwwwr/wr/w


    • intintintintintint


    • -1110-100012341

    • 2 bytes position, rotationswitchstopresetposition (%)stopped/stopopen/openclosing/closingslats openslats are closingturn the slats

    • State

    • rot_blinds_v2

    • i3 device

    • horizontal blinds

    • channel

    • maintogglestopresetpositiondirection


    • r/w

    • r/wwwwr/wr/w


    • value type

    • intintintintintint


    • value

    • -1110-100012341

    • value description

    • 2 bytes position, rotationswitchstopresetposition (%)stopped/stopopen/openclosing/closingslats openslats are closingturn the slats

    • comparatorpid

    • heating thermostat
      cooling thermostat

    • main

    • r/w

    • int

    • -NAN11

    • temperature setpoint (c)turn offtoggleturn on

    • State

    • comparatorpid

    • i3 device

    • heating thermostat
      cooling thermostat

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • -NAN11

    • value description

    • temperature setpoint (c)turn offtoggleturn on

    • twv

    • three-way valve

    • maintogglestoppositiondirection

    • r/wwwr/wr/w

    • intintintintint

    • 0-100110-100012

    • position (%)switchstopposition (%)stopopenclose

    • State

    • twv

    • i3 device

    • three-way valve

    • channel

    • maintogglestoppositiondirection

    • r/w

    • r/wwwr/wr/w

    • value type

    • intintintintint

    • value

    • 0-100110-100012

    • value description

    • position (%)switchstopposition (%)stopopenclose

    • out_pulse

    • pulsedoor lock gategarage door

    • maintoggleenable

    • r/www

    • intintint

    • 111

    • impulseimpulseimpulse

    • State

    • out_pulse

    • i3 device

    • pulsedoor lock gategarage door

    • channel

    • maintoggleenable

    • r/w

    • r/www

    • value type

    • intintint

    • value

    • 111

    • value description

    • impulseimpulseimpulse

    • media

    • multimedia

    • main

    • r/w

    • bool

    • 0110110-1001

    • pauseplayswitchpauseplaynext tracksound levelmute

    • State

    • media

    • i3 device

    • multimedia

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • bool

    • value

    • 0110110-1001

    • value description

    • pauseplayswitchpauseplaynext tracksound levelmute

*Consumption is calculated without taking into account the voltage, to find out the real consumption, you need to multiply the voltage by the indicator

All executive devices have a channel available, read-only, returns values: 0 - unavailable, 1 - available

Modbus devices

    • State

    • channel

    • r/w

    • value type

    • State

    • State

    • channel

    • channel

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • value type

    • mb_bool

    • main

    • r/w

    • bool

    • State

    • mb_bool

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • bool

    • mb_u16

    • main

    • r/w

    • int

    • State

    • mb_u16

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • int

    • mb_u32

    • main

    • r/w

    • int

    • State

    • mb_u32

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • int

    • mb_float

    • main

    • r/w

    • float

    • State

    • mb_float

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • float

All devices have a channel available, read-only, returns values: 0 - unavailable, 1 - available

service devices

    • State

    • i3 device

    • channel

    • r/w

    • value type

    • value

    • value description

    • State

    • State

    • i3 device

    • i3 device

    • channel

    • channel

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • value type

    • value

    • value

    • value description

    • value description

    • input_counter

    • counter

    • mainenablereset

    • r/wr/ww

    • floatintint

    • 11

    • valueenablereset

    • State

    • input_counter

    • i3 device

    • counter

    • channel

    • mainenablereset

    • r/w

    • r/wr/ww

    • value type

    • floatintint

    • value

    • 11

    • value description

    • valueenablereset

    • time_counter

    • time counter

    • mainenablereset

    • r/wr/ww

    • floatintint

    • 11

    • valueenablereset

    • State

    • time_counter

    • i3 device

    • time counter

    • channel

    • mainenablereset

    • r/w

    • r/wr/ww

    • value type

    • floatintint

    • value

    • 11

    • value description

    • valueenablereset

    • var_int

    • variable

    • main

    • r/w

    • float

    • value

    • State

    • var_int

    • i3 device

    • variable

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • float

    • value

    • value description

    • value

    • var_float

    • variable

    • main

    • r/w

    • float

    • value

    • State

    • var_float

    • i3 device

    • variable

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • r/w

    • value type

    • float

    • value

    • value description

    • value

    • scenario_ctrl

    • scenario management

    • main

    • w

    • int

    • +id-id

    • start the scriptstop the script

    • State

    • scenario_ctrl

    • i3 device

    • scenario management

    • channel

    • main

    • r/w

    • w

    • value type

    • int

    • value

    • +id-id

    • value description

    • start the scriptstop the script

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