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This instruction assumes that devices are already connected to the controller according to the instructionUniversal light switch in the Smart Home system
Go to the controller settings
To configure the input ports, you must first go to the controller settings:
● Go to Menu - Device Manager● Select the desired controller from the list and click Setup
Configure input ports
● Select the Ports and interfaces item and go to the IN 1-9 tab● On the input ports tab IN1- .. controller’s inputs are shown as separate cards
Select the type of peripheral device
● Select the Input you want to configure● In the input settings window, select "What is connected?"● From the list of available devices, select the Button
Configure the button
● Select the Advanced settings icon, here you can specify the value:- Invert - change the signal polarity (off by default)- Click time - the maximum button pressing time that is not yet considered hold (default 200ms)- Pause time - pause between clicks (default 200ms)- Max press time - max time of holding button after which button will be released automatically
● Save the settings by clicking on the icon and return to the settings window of the selected input port
Choosing a room
● In the field "Where the device is located" you can specify the location of the sensor.● If you need to add a new room, click on the "+" icon located in the upper right corner of the screen, assign a name to the new room, set its type and click on the Save icon
Name of the switch
● Return to the Settings window of the selected input port● In the Name field, for convenience, you should specify the name of the button by which you can uniquely identify it● Click the Save icon
Adjust the display of the button tile on the Dashboard
● By default, the Button is not displayed on the Dashboard● If necessary, this can be changed in the Dashboard display settings (enable the Buttons group)
● The Button was created with a name that was specified by the user. You can see it as one of the devices in the Rooms section, in the room you specified during setup.● You can also select this button in the section With what to control when creating or editing automations.
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