Charge Station ATOMfor electric vehicles


The commissioning and maintenance of the station is carried out by authorized service organizations under an agreement with the supplier or manufacturer. Warranty and post-warranty repairs are carried out by the manufacturer.

Personnel using the station must have the necessary training in safety, installation and commissioning.

Reliable operation of the station is ensured by compliance with the operating conditions and maintenance requirements. In case of violation of the operating rules, the manufacturer does not accept any claims.

The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in the design of the station and equivalent substitutions of materials and components aimed at improving the technical characteristics and operational properties of the station.


The power supply of the station is provided by:● a three-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 380 V and a frequency of (50±1) Hz;● a single-phase alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of (50±1) Hz.
Operating conditions:● Ambient temperature: minus 25 °C to plus 40 °C;● atmospheric pressure: 630 mm Hg to 800 mm Hg● relative air humidity from 5% to 90% without moisture condensation.
Station operating modes:● standby mode● Connection mode● User identification mode● charging mode
In all operating modes, the station may be in a state in which charging of the electric vehicle is not possible in the event of:● inaccessibility of the station in the absence of communication with the server, or deactivation of the station by the operator.● station inoperability due to equipment failure or software error.
The station provides the following functions:● control of the charging process of an AC electric vehicle● continuous monitoring of the voltage of the AC input electrical circuits● control of the correct connection of the electric vehicle and fixing/releasing the charge socket for all charging ports● control of the current strength of the output electrical circuits during the charging process of an AC electric vehicle
The station ensures that the charging process is stopped and the system is de-energized in the event of● short circuit (overcurrent) of the input AC electrical circuits● malfunction in the control circuit (short circuit, ground leakage, processor failure)● detection of ground leakage during charging.● Exceeding the maximum permissible current during charging




The station is made of metal cases: external (1) and internal (4). The type of mounting is on a vertical base (wall).
In the middle of the outer casing, there are power terminals (3), in the inner casing: an electronics module (5). Input and output of the power circuits of the station and the electronic module is carried out through the hermetic glands (6).
The procedure for arranging the power terminals and connecting the station to the power supply network is presented in Appendix 1.

Depending on the version, the station may include:
● charging port sockets (IEC62196)
● Type 2/Type 1 charging port connectors (J1772, IEC62196) with holders
Connecting the connectors does not require the use of extension cords and adapters.

The station consists of the following functional units and assemblies:
1. Power terminals for connecting power supply lines (3).
2. RFID module (optional).
3. Electronics module, which includes:
● power contactor;
● secondary power supply unit
● charge controller with Octa UCP ComboChannel leakage current measuring device
● communication module with SIM card and antenna;
● Octa UCP Light backlight module.
The RFID module is designed to provide user access to the station in the presence of a corporate card.
The communication module is designed to exchange data with the server of the organization operating the station in accordance with the OSRP 1.6 protocol.
The backlight module is designed for light indication of the station operating modes, namely:
● red constant glow - the station is unavailable, there is no connection with the server;
● red with blinking - the station is malfunctioning. The number of blinks indicates an error code (see Appendix 3 for error codes);
green steady light - standby mode;
green with flashing - connection mode;
blue with flashing - charging mode.
The power contactor connects the power supply lines to the charging port.The charge controller provides control and management of the electric vehicle charging process and monitoring of the continuity of the permanent protective grounding.The secondary power supply unit generates an output voltage of DC plus 12 V, which is intended to power the station's electronic components.


The station is mounted on a vertical surface using an anchor or Ø 8 mm dowel. See the figure for mounting dimensions.


Warning! Installation of the station is performed only when the power supply is disconnected.

Remove the outer casing. Attach the inner housing to a vertical surface. Insert the outer casing into the grooves on the inner casing from above and fasten it with bolts from below and above.
Fastening elements are supplied at the request of the customer according to the delivery set or can be purchased by the customer independently. At the request of the customer, the station can be installed on a mounting stand.
The location of the station must be provided with an alternating current network with a rated voltage of 220 ± 10 % V or 380 ± 10 % V, a frequency of (50 ± 1) Hz (including grounding circuit) and protected from heat sources.
The charging station is connected with a copper or aluminum cable. The cable cross-section is selected based on the power consumption and cable length. The connection diagram is provided in Appendix 1.


Using the Modbus RTU protocol to exchange data between the station and an external control system, the device can be integrated into a Smart Home. In particular, for full control of the station, it is recommended to use an automation system based on Atom controllers.
The charging station is connected to the Atom controller using a UTP/FTP cable according to the diagram.


In order to significantly improve the operational characteristics, it is recommended to connect the station in combination with a 1- or 3-phase energy meter. This connection option will allow for optimal distribution of electricity, taking into account the maximum allocated power.


Depending on the type of charging station, you need to configure it in the i3 Home app using the appropriate configuration templates.

The control panel of the mobile application will display up-to-date information about the status and mode of operation of the station. Control is possible in manual and automatic modes. When using an energy meter, the power allocated for charging the electric vehicle will be constantly monitored and limited depending on the power of priority consumers.


Before charging the electric vehicle, the user must perform the following actions:
● Connect the charging cable to the charging port to the station socket or the charging connector to the electric vehicle.
● Check the blocking of the charging connectors (socket or connector), as well as the light indication of the charging port - green glow with flashing;
● Control the charging process of the electric vehicle: the light indication of the charging port is blue flashing.
● Control the end of the charging process: the charging port light indication is green flashing;
● Disconnect the charging cable from the outlet and the charging connector from the electric vehicle. Check the status of the charging port light indication - steady green glow.
● In case of a malfunction during charging, the state of the charging port light indication is red and flashing;
● In the absence of communication with the server of the organization operating the station, the state of the charging port light indication is constant red glow or short blinking of the RFID module.
● If it is necessary to terminate the charging process of the electric vehicle early at the initiative of the user, disconnect the charging cable from the socket and the charging connector from the electric vehicle, the state of the charging port light indication is constant green glow.
● The state of the light indication depends on the operating modes during operation:

    • Indicator color

    • Indicator state

    • Operation mode

    • Indicator color

    • Indicator color

    • Indicator state

    • Indicator state

    • Operation mode

    • Operation mode

    • Green

    • Constantly lit

    • Standby mode

    • Indicator color

    • Green

    • Indicator state

    • Constantly lit

    • Operation mode

    • Standby mode

    • Green

    • Smooth blinking

    • Connection mode

    • Indicator color

    • Green

    • Indicator state

    • Smooth blinking

    • Operation mode

    • Connection mode

    • Blue

    • Smooth blinking

    • Charging mode

    • Indicator color

    • Blue

    • Indicator state

    • Smooth blinking

    • Operation mode

    • Charging mode

    • Red

    • Constantly lit

    • The station is unavailable, there is no connection to the server

    • Indicator color

    • Red

    • Indicator state

    • Constantly lit

    • Operation mode

    • The station is unavailable, there is no connection to the server

    • Red

    • Several blinking

    • The station is malfunctioning

    • Indicator color

    • Red

    • Indicator state

    • Several blinking

    • Operation mode

    • The station is malfunctioning

    • Yellow

    • Constantly lit

    • The station is reserved

    • Indicator color

    • Yellow

    • Indicator state

    • Constantly lit

    • Operation mode

    • The station is reserved

    • White

    • Constantly lit

    • Ventilation mode

    • Indicator color

    • White

    • Indicator state

    • Constantly lit

    • Operation mode

    • Ventilation mode

      * See Appendix 3 for error codes.
 If the station is connected to an Atom controller and configured in the i3 Home app, the charging process is controlled and monitored from the app's control panel.


The station is supplied to the customer with technical specifications according to Section 1.2. For the possibility of changing the technical characteristics, the assignment of connectors and the settings of charge controller switches are provided in Appendix 2.
In the event of a faulty state of the station and when searching for equipment failures or software errors, the station generates an error code, which is displayed on the backlight module with an appropriate light signal, namely: the error code corresponds to the number of blinks of the indicator. The list of error codes is provided in Appendix 3.


During the operation, installation, maintenance and repair of the station, the general safety requirements in accordance with DSTU 7237, the general requirements for grounding the station in accordance with DSTU EN 62368-1, the requirements of the “Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations”, the “Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations”, standard occupational safety instructions by profession and other regulatory documents on occupational safety in force in the industry must be observed.

Only personnel who have studied its design and been instructed in safety requirements are allowed to operate the plant.
The following requirements must be met for the safe and normal operation of the station:
● During operation, the station must be protected from shocks, strong vibrations and mechanical damage;
● in accordance with the agreement between the manufacturer and the user, the station must undergo a technical inspection within the agreed period, which is carried out by specialists of the service organization;
● if the station has been idle without AC power for more than one year, then before putting it into operation, it is necessary to contact the service organization for the first test run of the station.
● violation of the integrity of the station's assembly units during troubleshooting is allowed only to qualified specialists of the service organization in the presence of the relevant documents provided for by the legislation of Ukraine;


● use the station for purposes other than those intended;
● to carry out repairs during the warranty period of the station;
● make any changes to the design or components of the station;
● operate the station in a faulty condition and/or with signs of mechanical damage to the station body or connecting cables;
● operate the station with an open housing;
● operate the station that has not undergone scheduled maintenance;
● perform installation, maintenance and repair work with the power supply voltage turned on.


Maintenance and repair of the plant is carried out by specially trained personnel who have completed a special training course and have a certificate of authorization to perform these works. The plant's maintenance organization is based on a system of scheduled preventive maintenance that ensures the plant's constant operational and safe condition and reduces maintenance costs.
Maintenance is carried out once a year by specialists of a service organization under a contract with the user or supplier. Smart Wall models can be serviced by the service department of the operating organization, provided that they have specialists with certain qualifications agreed with the manufacturer. Current repairs of the station (including warranty and post-warranty repairs) are carried out by the manufacturer.
Note. Maintenance is not included in the warranty provided by the manufacturer.
Maintenance is carried out once a year and should include:
● external inspection of the station for integrity and absence of mechanical damage to the case, charging cables and charging sockets, as well as the integrity of the user manual located on the station case.
● checking the grounding circuit of the place of operation and the grounding circuits of the station for their integrity;
● checking the reliability of fastening the cable wires to the appropriate clamps;
● checking the serviceability and integrity of terminal blocks;
● checking the absence of damage to the switching elements and the integrity of the connecting wires;
Remove dust, dirt, and other foreign objects from the functional units.

Check the electrical strength of the insulation between electrical circuits and metal parts of the plant every three years. 

Attachment 1
The order of the power terminals location and connection of the station
to the power supply network

The order of the power terminals:


Marking of the terminal block:


Connecting stations to the power supply network

    • W107, SW107

    • W214, SW214

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • W107, SW107

    • W107, SW107

    • W214, SW214

    • W214, SW214

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • L1

    • Phase A

    • Phase A

    • Phase A

    • L1

    • W107, SW107

    • Phase A

    • W214, SW214

    • Phase A

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • Phase A

    • L2

    • -

    • Phase В

    • Phase В

    • L2

    • W107, SW107

    • -

    • W214, SW214

    • Phase В

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • Phase В

    • L3

    • -

    • -

    • Phase С

    • L3

    • W107, SW107

    • -

    • W214, SW214

    • -

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • Phase С

    • N

    • Neutral

    • Neutral

    • Neutral

    • N

    • W107, SW107

    • Neutral

    • W214, SW214

    • Neutral

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • Neutral

    • PE

    • Ground

    • Ground 

    • Ground

    • PE

    • W107, SW107

    • Ground

    • W214, SW214

    • Ground 

    • W122, W222, W229, W244, W322, W336, SW122, SW222, SW229, SW244, SW322, SW336

    • Ground

Attachment 2
Connector assignments and switch settings

Type of charge controller board 3ph


Purpose of the connectors

    • Connector

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • CON 1

    • Meter adjustment (technological)

    • Connector

    • CON 1

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Meter adjustment (technological)

    • CON 2

    • Connecting the electricity meter voltage and power supply to the contactor

    • Connector

    • CON 2

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Connecting the electricity meter voltage and power supply to the contactor

    • CON 7

    • Controlling the contactor coil and checking the contactor sticking

    • Connector

    • CON 7

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Controlling the contactor coil and checking the contactor sticking

    • CON 3, CON 4, CON 10

    • RS485 port and module power supply

    • Connector

    • CON 3, CON 4, CON 10

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • RS485 port and module power supply

    • CON 9

    • Connecting an RCD transformer

    • Connector

    • CON 9

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Connecting an RCD transformer

    • CON 5

    • Control of the socket locking lock

    • Connector

    • CON 5

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Control of the socket locking lock

    • CON 6

    • RGB display control

    • Connector

    • CON 6

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • RGB display control

    • CON 8

    • Vehicle control signals

    • Connector

    • CON 8

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • Vehicle control signals

    • CON 11, CON 12

    • RS485 terminators

    • Connector

    • CON 11, CON 12

    • Purpose of the connectors

    • RS485 terminators

Pin assignment of connector CON 2

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment

    • 1

    • Phase C

    • Connector

    • 1

    • Assignment

    • Phase C

    • 2

    • Phase B

    • Connector

    • 2

    • Assignment

    • Phase B

    • 3

    • Phase A

    • Connector

    • 3

    • Assignment

    • Phase A

    • 4

    • N

    • Connector

    • 4

    • Assignment

    • N

    • 5

    • Connecting an RCD transformer

    • Connector

    • 5

    • Assignment

    • Connecting an RCD transformer

Pin assignment of connectors CON 3, OCN 4, CON 10

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment

    • 1

    • +12 В

    • Connector

    • 1

    • Assignment

    • +12 В

    • 2

    • RS485 (B)

    • Connector

    • 2

    • Assignment

    • RS485 (B)

    • 3

    • RS485 (A)

    • Connector

    • 3

    • Assignment

    • RS485 (A)

    • 4

    • GND

    • Connector

    • 4

    • Assignment

    • GND

Pin assignment of connector CON 5

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment

    • 1

    • LOCK (12 V lock coil)

    • Connector

    • 1

    • Assignment

    • LOCK (12 V lock coil)

    • 2

    • LOCK (12 V lock coil)

    • Connector

    • 2

    • Assignment

    • LOCK (12 V lock coil)

    • 3

    • LK (dry contact, checking the locking)

    • Connector

    • 3

    • Assignment

    • LK (dry contact, checking the locking)

    • 4

    • LK (dry contact, checking the locking)

    • Connector

    • 4

    • Assignment

    • LK (dry contact, checking the locking)

Pin assignment of connector CON 7

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment

    • 1

    • Sticking (contactor output)

    • Connector

    • 1

    • Assignment

    • Sticking (contactor output)

    • 2

    • Sticking (contactor output)

    • Connector

    • 2

    • Assignment

    • Sticking (contactor output)

    • 3

    • Contactor coil (220 V)

    • Connector

    • 3

    • Assignment

    • Contactor coil (220 V)

    • 4

    • Contactor coil (220 V)

    • Connector

    • 4

    • Assignment

    • Contactor coil (220 V)

Pin assignment of connector CON 6

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment

    • 1

    • +12 V

    • Connector

    • 1

    • Assignment

    • +12 V

    • 2

    • GND (G)

    • Connector

    • 2

    • Assignment

    • GND (G)

    • 3

    • GND (R)

    • Connector

    • 3

    • Assignment

    • GND (R)

    • 4

    • GND (B)

    • Connector

    • 4

    • Assignment

    • GND (B)

Pin assignment of connector CON 8

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment

    • 1

    • PP

    • Connector

    • 1

    • Assignment

    • PP

    • 2

    • CP

    • Connector

    • 2

    • Assignment

    • CP

    • 3

    • GND

    • Connector

    • 3

    • Assignment

    • GND

Pin assignment of connector CON 9

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment

    • 1

    • CT (transformer coil)

    • Connector

    • 1

    • Assignment

    • CT (transformer coil)

    • 2

    • CT (transformer coil)

    • Connector

    • 2

    • Assignment

    • CT (transformer coil)

    • 3

    • CHCK (3 turns, RCD test)

    • Connector

    • 3

    • Assignment

    • CHCK (3 turns, RCD test)

    • 4

    • CHCK (3 turns, RCD test)

    • Connector

    • 4

    • Assignment

    • CHCK (3 turns, RCD test)

General view of the switches


Assignment of switches SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Connector

    • Connector

    • Assignment

    • Assignment


    • Setting the output current

    • Connector


    • Assignment

    • Setting the output current

    • ADDR

    • Address to controller

    • Connector

    • ADDR

    • Assignment

    • Address to controller

    • LOCК

    • Type of locking device

    • Connector

    • LOCК

    • Assignment

    • Type of locking device

    • V

    • Monitoring the absence of voltage

    • Connector

    • V

    • Assignment

    • Monitoring the absence of voltage

    • K

    • Control of contactor sticking

    • Connector

    • K

    • Assignment

    • Control of contactor sticking

    • S

    • Reducing the speed of the RS485 port

    • Connector

    • S

    • Assignment

    • Reducing the speed of the RS485 port

    • Z

    • Monitoring of differential voltage leakage

    • Connector

    • Z

    • Assignment

    • Monitoring of differential voltage leakage

    • G

    • Grounding control

    • Connector

    • G

    • Assignment

    • Grounding control

    • M

    • Emulation of the Main module operation

    • Connector

    • M

    • Assignment

    • Emulation of the Main module operation

    • L3, L2, L1

    • Phase reference to the measuring transformer

    • Connector

    • L3, L2, L1

    • Assignment

    • Phase reference to the measuring transformer

Position of the switch sliders SW1 LOCK

    • Lock type

    • Switch 1

    • Switch 2

    • Lock type

    • Lock type

    • Switch 1

    • Switch 1

    • Switch 2

    • Switch 2

    • None

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • Lock type

    • None

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Spring

    • OFF

    • ON

    • Lock type

    • Spring

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Reserve

    • ON

    • OFF

    • Lock type

    • Reserve

    • Switch 1

    • ON

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Servo

    • ON

    • ON

    • Lock type

    • Servo

    • Switch 1

    • ON

    • Switch 2

    • ON

Position of the switch sliders SW1 V, K, S, Z, G, M

    • Status

    • V switch 3

    • K switch 4

    • S switch 5

    • Z switch 6

    • G switch 7

    • M switch 8

    • Status

    • Status

    • V switch 3

    • V switch 3

    • K switch 4

    • K switch 4

    • S switch 5

    • S switch 5

    • Z switch 6

    • Z switch 6

    • G switch 7

    • G switch 7

    • M switch 8

    • M switch 8

    • Enabled

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • Status

    • Enabled

    • V switch 3

    • OFF

    • K switch 4

    • OFF

    • S switch 5

    • OFF

    • Z switch 6

    • OFF

    • G switch 7

    • OFF

    • M switch 8

    • OFF

    • Disabled

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • Status

    • Disabled

    • V switch 3

    • ON

    • K switch 4

    • ON

    • S switch 5

    • ON

    • Z switch 6

    • ON

    • G switch 7

    • ON

    • M switch 8

    • ON

Position of the switch sliders SW2Amperage (CURRENT)

    • CURRENT, А

    • Switch 1

    • Switch 2

    • Switch 3

    • Switch 4

    • Switch 5

    • CURRENT, А

    • CURRENT, А

    • Switch 1

    • Switch 1

    • Switch 2

    • Switch 2

    • Switch 3

    • Switch 3

    • Switch 4

    • Switch 4

    • Switch 5

    • Switch 5

    • 2

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 2

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 4

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 4

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

    • 6

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 6

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 8

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 8

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

    • 10

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 10

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 12

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 12

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

    • 14

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 14

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 16

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 16

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

    • 18

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 18

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 20

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 20

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

    • 22

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 22

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 24

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 24

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

    • 26

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 26

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 28

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 28

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

    • 30

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • CURRENT, А

    • 30

    • Switch 1

    • OFF

    • Switch 2

    • ON

    • Switch 3

    • ON

    • Switch 4

    • ON

    • Switch 5

    • ON

    • 32

    • ON

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • CURRENT, А

    • 32

    • Switch 1

    • ON

    • Switch 2

    • OFF

    • Switch 3

    • OFF

    • Switch 4

    • OFF

    • Switch 5

    • OFF

Position of the switch sliders SW2ADDR

    • Address

    • Switch 6

    • Switch 7

    • Switch 8

    • Address

    • Address

    • Switch 6

    • Switch 6

    • Switch 7

    • Switch 7

    • Switch 8

    • Switch 8

    • None

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • Address

    • None

    • Switch 6

    • OFF

    • Switch 7

    • OFF

    • Switch 8

    • OFF

    • 1

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • ON

    • Address

    • 1

    • Switch 6

    • OFF

    • Switch 7

    • OFF

    • Switch 8

    • ON

    • 2

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • Address

    • 2

    • Switch 6

    • OFF

    • Switch 7

    • ON

    • Switch 8

    • OFF

    • 3

    • OFF

    • ON

    • ON

    • Address

    • 3

    • Switch 6

    • OFF

    • Switch 7

    • ON

    • Switch 8

    • ON

    • 4

    • ON

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • Address

    • 4

    • Switch 6

    • ON

    • Switch 7

    • OFF

    • Switch 8

    • OFF

    • 5

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • Address

    • 5

    • Switch 6

    • ON

    • Switch 7

    • OFF

    • Switch 8

    • ON

    • 6

    • ON

    • ON

    • OFF

    • Address

    • 6

    • Switch 6

    • ON

    • Switch 7

    • ON

    • Switch 8

    • OFF

    • 7

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • Address

    • 7

    • Switch 6

    • ON

    • Switch 7

    • ON

    • Switch 8

    • ON

Position of the switch sliders SW3, SW4, SW5

    • Тип

    • SW3, Перемикач 1

    • SW3, Перемикач 2

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 1

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 2

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 1

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 2

    • Тип

    • Тип

    • SW3, Перемикач 1

    • SW3, Перемикач 1

    • SW3, Перемикач 2

    • SW3, Перемикач 2

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 1

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 1

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 2

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 2

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 1

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 1

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 2

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 2

    • Без прив'язки

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • OFF

    • Тип

    • Без прив'язки

    • SW3, Перемикач 1

    • OFF

    • SW3, Перемикач 2

    • OFF

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 1

    • OFF

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 2

    • OFF

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 1

    • OFF

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 2

    • OFF

    • Фаза А

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • Тип

    • Фаза А

    • SW3, Перемикач 1

    • OFF

    • SW3, Перемикач 2

    • ON

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 1

    • OFF

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 2

    • ON

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 1

    • OFF

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 2

    • ON

    • Фаза В

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • ON

    • OFF

    • Тип

    • Фаза В

    • SW3, Перемикач 1

    • ON

    • SW3, Перемикач 2

    • OFF

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 1

    • ON

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 2

    • OFF

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 1

    • ON

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 2

    • OFF

    • Фаза С

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • ON

    • Тип

    • Фаза С

    • SW3, Перемикач 1

    • ON

    • SW3, Перемикач 2

    • ON

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 1

    • ON

    • SW4,
      Перемикач 2

    • ON

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 1

    • ON

    • SW5,
      Перемикач 2

    • ON

Attachment 3List of error codes

The number of times the red light flashes indicates an error code. 

    • Number of blinks

    • Error code

    • Number of blinks

    • Number of blinks

    • Error code

    • Error code

    • 2

    • Error of the protective diode in the CP line

    • Number of blinks

    • 2

    • Error code

    • Error of the protective diode in the CP line

    • 3

    • Lack of grounding

    • Number of blinks

    • 3

    • Error code

    • Lack of grounding

    • 4

    • Operation of internal protection against current leakage

    • Number of blinks

    • 4

    • Error code

    • Operation of internal protection against current leakage

    • 6

    • Lock error

    • Number of blinks

    • 6

    • Error code

    • Lock error

    • 7

    • Short circuit of the CP line

    • Number of blinks

    • 7

    • Error code

    • Short circuit of the CP line

    • 8

    • PP line error

    • Number of blinks

    • 8

    • Error code

    • PP line error

    • 9

    • No or low voltage level

    • Number of blinks

    • 9

    • Error code

    • No or low voltage level

    • 10

    • Contactor sticking

    • Number of blinks

    • 10

    • Error code

    • Contactor sticking

    • 12

    • Extremely high current

    • Number of blinks

    • 12

    • Error code

    • Extremely high current

    • 13

    • Extremely high voltage

    • Number of blinks

    • 13

    • Error code

    • Extremely high voltage

A short blinking of the white color of the RFID module indicates that the station has lost communication with the server (for Smart Wall series models).

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